I was so honored to be a part of Emily and Jordan's absolutely exquisite wedding. They are so sweet together. We custom designed a unique guest signing book with hand painted personal touches by the very talented Jane Ellithorpe. A personal highlight for me during the wedding reception (as well as many of the guests) was the chocolate covered bacon. Yum!
- Wedding Planning: Sikky Rogers of Rogers and Gala
- Wedding Coordinator (DCPC): Harriet Kessler
- Church: Davidson College Presbyterian Church
- Flowers: Pat McColl of The Blossom Shop, Charlotte
- Catering: Much Ado (Davidson College Catering)
- Cake: The Wow Factor Cakes, Amy Craparo
- Band: Yacht Rock Revue, c/o Please Rock Me, LLC
- Chocolates: Davidson Chocolate Company
- Custom Guest Signing Book : Irisbook
- Hand painting in Guest Book: Jane Ellithorpe
- Custom Guest Signing Book : Irisbook
- Hand painting in Guest Book: Jane Ellithorpe
- Second Shooter: Rachel Fesko of Rachel Fesko Photography

Practicing their first dance as husband and wife before the reception. :)

www.irisbook.com makes the most beautiful albums and guest signing books! I custom designed a guest signing book for them with the photographs from their engagement session and then Jane Ellithorpe hand painted symbolic flowers throughout the book. Unique and exquisite. Check out Jane's beautiful work! http://artbyjabe.com/
Yacht Rock Revue was so much fun!
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